Introduction of <Chokokutosetto>

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Please understand that there may be some differences from the original content.

How to purchase materials using the order envelope

  1. Mark the column of the materials you wish to purchase with a circle.
  2. After confirming the total price of the materials, put the money in the envelope. Please enclose the exact amount, so no change is necessary.
  3. Write the school's name, as well as your name.
  4. After you have finished filling out the form, please give the envelope and enclosed money to the teacher.


A wood carving chisel set is for practicing wood carving. It can be used during arts and crafts lessons or at home.

Chisel Bag

With this bag, you can easily carry and protect your chisels.You can store up to 5 chisels.


Bunkei offers 5 kinds of chisels. Each kind of chisel has a different carving shape.
The UNIGRIPⅢ features a safety guard so that children can use the chisel safely.


The blade is curved and carves a rounded line.


The edge is smaller than the Maruto and carves an even thinner line.


This blade can evenly carve a wide area. It is held with the flat face up.


The blade has a V shape and carves a thin, sharp line.


This blade can carve even thinner lines than the Sankakuto. You can choose a right-handed or left-handed version.

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